Letter to my Editor

The relationship with the words someone uses is more intimate and integrated than just a quick read and a blurb can ever be. This intimacy - the words on the page being sent back and forth from engaged editor to open author - is unique in my experience.    -Alice Sebold

For every piece of writing I share with the world I have an initial audience of two. First, Brent reads everything to say either, “That’s interesting,” or “I’m not sure about that.” He is always my first and toughest filter. Next, I send everything to an editor. Yes, I understand this is an informal, personal blog, but as a writing teacher, I know better than to trust myself to catch my own mistakes. And it just so happens that one of my best friends in the world is also a writing teacher.

Rational Rebecca is a natural. She has more practicality in her pinky than I do in my entire 5’4” frame. I am a visionary with plenty of enthusiasm and ideas, but she is the one that makes things happen and gets stuff done. The truth is I could never write without her. Not only does she “do life” with me every day, but she is one of the few people who I know dishes out 100 percent honesty. She holds nothing back. We mother together, teach together, work out together, laugh together and cry together. She is my go-to girl. We probably send more “I love you” and “I miss you” texts than most people in committed relationships. If such a thing as a “godwife” exists, she would be mine. In the case that something were to ever happen to Brent, she would get me (sorry Terence).

So I am thankful, beyond words, that I have someone to clean up my thoughts and make them presentable. She makes me a better writer, mother, daughter, friend and athlete. She is one of the few people I openly hug, and it works out perfectly because she is much taller than me; my head fits perfectly on her shoulder. Her rationality and practicality make me feel at ease. Whether I am sad about my mom’s Alzheimer’s or anxious about a deadline at work, she has that “everything is going to be fine” way about her that calms me down. And in full disclosure, I am a mess with commas. Evidently, I am a fraud and would be completely exposed without her Google doc comments and strike throughs.

I hope all humans have an “engaged editor” in their lives - an honest, loving, supportive editor who makes them want to be a better person each and every day.

Thanks, Becca. Can you proof this please?



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